Contestants appear onstage in leather jock wear. Section 2 – This is the audience’s favorite section.Contestants come out one at a time and then as a group at the end for comparison judging. This is more casual than Formal Leathers.
This is an outfit that they might be wearing at a leather bar and cruising. Section 1 – In this section, contestants introduce themselves to the audience as directed.The show begins at 10pm and continues throughout the night. The selection process begins at the Meet and Greet on Friday evening and continues through to Saturday with interviews and on stage performances including the popular Jock Question time! The event ends with a Victory Ball on Sunday. Eagle NYC Contest is held every first weekend of October at The Eagle NYC.Ĭontestants are judged by a panel of experts and former Mr Eagle winners. Leather Competition (IML) in Chicago each May. Eagle NYC who represents New York City at the International Mr. The Eagle NYC proudly hosts and sponsors Mr. Mr Eagle Weekend New York City Contest 2022Ĭelebrate the election of Mr Eagle New York city, each October with a weekend full of fun competitions, parties and events.